Maintaining Your Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a beautiful thing. It can restore a severely damaged tooth, giving you your smile and confidence back. When you get a dental crown, you invest a considerable amount of time and money into fixing your teeth. You want the crown to last as long as possible.

With the right care and attention, you can get many years of service from a crown. Your Scottsdale dentist can also help you protect your new crown and the other teeth in your mouth. Here's how. 

Take Care of All of Your Teeth

Same day crowns and traditional dental crowns look, feel and behave like the natural teeth in your mouth. What that means for you is that the same basic oral care practices that help protect your natural teeth from cavities and stains will also help protect your crowns. Use fluoride toothpaste to brush your crown and the rest of your teeth at least twice daily. 

When you brush your crown, use circular motions and don't apply too much pressure. You don't want to scrub the crown. Instead, think of it as if you were gently polishing your teeth. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid scratching the crown and remember to brush the front, back and top of the dental crown.

Flossing helps to remove pieces of food and bits of plaque that can get stuck between the crown and the neighboring teeth. Slide the floss between your teeth, running it up and down the sides and being sure to get down to the base, where the crown joins the gums. 

Be Careful What You Chew

A dental crown is strong and durable, but not invincible. It can crack or otherwise become damaged if too much force is applied to it. Once you get your new crown, be careful about what you eat and the items you put in your mouth. 

Some habits, such as biting your nails, chewing on pens or biting down on ice, aren't good for your teeth in general. They can be even worse when you have a crown, as you may bite down hard enough to crack the crown. Try to get out of the habit of nail-biting, pen-chewing or putting any other non-food objects in your mouth, for the sake of your new crown. 

Watch the Sugar

When you got your crown, you may have also invested in cavity repair in Scottsdale, such as getting a filling. A crown itself is often a way to fix teeth that are severely decayed

Now that you have your new crown, pay close attention to your diet and steer clear of cavity-causing foods, notably sugary treats and beverages. Sugar is a primary cause of tooth decay. While sugar can't cause a crown to "decay," it can cause wear and tear on the material, plus discoloration. It can also affect the part of the tooth that's underneath the crown, potentially causing the need for additional repairs and dental treatment later on.

Cut back on sugar as much as you can. If you do want to have a sweet treat from time to time, there are things you can do to minimize the damage to your crown and teeth. Use a straw when drinking soda or other sweetened beverages, to limit the amount of contact the sugar has with your teeth. After eating candy or other sweets, rinse your mouth with water to wash away as much of the sugary residue as possible. Always brush and floss after snacking, especially if you've eaten sweets.

See Your Dentist in Scottsdale for Cleanings

Seeing your dentist for regular exams and cleanings becomes more important after you get traditional or same day crowns. Your dentist can inspect your teeth and gums and ensure your crown is in good condition. They will also clean your deep teeth and gums, removing tartar and plaque buildup and reducing your risk for cavities and decay. 

Your dentist can also answer any questions you have about caring for your dental crown and the rest of your mouth. They can give you advice about cosmetic dental treatments that can further improve your teeth's appearance and make you even more confident about your smile.

Sarko Dental Associates can help you protect your crown and the rest of your mouth. Connect with us today to schedule an appointment.

Call (480) 951-2782 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.